In today’s fast-paced construction industry, staying ahead means embracing the digital transformation. The rise of Construction Cloud Software marks a pivotal shift, offering innovative solutions to age-old challenges.
At Tally Systems, we are leading this revolution from the front, providing cutting-edge cloud platforms that redefine what’s possible in construction project management and estimation.

The Power of Cloud Takeoff

One of the most significant innovations we bring to the table is cloud takeoff. Stratosphere by Tally Systems platform empowers estimators with the unprecedented freedom to complete takeoffs from anywhere, leveraging next-generation takeoff and markup tools.

This ability not only increases productivity but also guarantees speed and accuracy in estimate preparation, which is essential for securing contracts and overseeing projects effectively.

Seamless Collaboration

In the field of construction, where collaboration is key, Stratosphere by Tally Systems is transforming the way teams work together. Our platform is in the process of developing sophisticated file storage and sharing features, ensuring that every team member is always aligned, with access to the latest plans and documents.
This level of seamless collaboration is indispensable in today’s complex construction projects, where coordination among various stakeholders can make or break a project’s success.

All New Markup Tools

Understanding the importance of detailed plans and specifications in the estimation process, Stratosphere by Tally Systems is enhancing its platform with all-new markup tools. Features like highlight pens, embedded images, and on-plan notes are in development to provide estimators with unparalleled markup capabilities.
These tools are designed to make the cloud takeoff process more intuitive and detailed, allowing for more precise estimates and better project outcomes.

Excel Integration and Included Support

Recognizing that flexibility and support are crucial, Stratosphere by Tally Systems offers a simple yet powerful Excel interface that adapts to how you work. This integration ensures a smooth transition of data between the platform and your spreadsheets, allowing for customized reports and analyses without the need to conform to rigid software structures.

Furthermore, Stratosphere by Tally Systems operates straight from your web browser, so you’ll always have free access to the most recent versions and support. This commitment to ongoing improvement and customer support is what sets Stratosphere apart in the digital construction landscape.

Check our Cutting-Edge software now!

The digital age has ushered in a new era for the construction industry, characterized by efficiency, collaboration, and innovation. With the rise of Construction Cloud Software, companies like Tally Systems are leading the charge, transforming the way construction projects are estimated, planned, and executed.
Construction professionals can improve their operational efficiency and create a more prosperous and sustainable future by adopting these digital technologies.


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